In Frontline Rewind Episode 55, Die Happy (Vengeance Rising) members gather in Doug Thieme’s living room to talk about Die Happy beginnings, lyric inspiration and a bond that continues today. Listeners get the inside scoop on touring with Roger Martinez as lead singer of Vengeance Rising and formation of Die Happy afterward.
In a spontaneous moment, host Les Carlsen adds vocals to a jam with Doug Thieme (Guitar), Larry Farkas (Guitar), and Glenn Mancaruso (Drums) on the opening song, “Break Every Chainâ€. Other members, Roger Dale Martin (Bass) and Robyn Kyle Basauri (Vocals), join the conversation via FaceTime.
Featured songs in this episode are from the group’s first self-titled album and the show wouldn’t be complete without a couple Vengeance Rising tunes. These, and all Frontline Records releases, are available on iTunes, Amazon and where ever digital music is found.