Thank God for Holy Hip Hop
Wed, Nov 20, 2024
Frontline Records is home to some of the earliest pioneers of what is often called Holy Hip Hop. Grammy award winning rapper, Lecrae, credited Gospel Gangstas, D-Boy and others as foundational for his career.
P.I.D. (Preachas In Disguise) pioneer, Fred Lynch, is still active in communicating through the art of poetry. Check out his new single, “The Crucible”, available digitally everywhere. Lynch was instrumental in working with the directors of MIC DROP, a film that speaks to the culture, voice, and history of Christian Hip Hop. Fans will recognize many Frontline, BAI and Broken Records artists.
Things are getting INTENSE with Vinyl and CD re-issues
Thu, Aug 1, 2024
Intense Records fans will remember Frontline Records Intense Live series and Die Happy after purchasing these lively studio recordings on vinyl and CD. Receive Deliverance from regret when you purchase re-issues by Retroactive Records.
Jimmy P Brown II, founder of Deliverance, just returned from performing at Part 1 of the 3rd annual Immortal Christian Rock Festival. The festival is in two parts (July 26-28 & August 30 -September 1).
Part 2 features Frontline artists Sacred Warrior, Shout, & Les Carlsen (of Bloodgood)
Sacred Warrior frontman, Rey Parra, started releasing podcast episodes of “Is It Wrong?” earlier this year. He has recorded many intimate, crazy, funny and relevant conversations with artists who fans will recognize. Check it out and be rocked!
Some Michael Knott Alternatives, freshly minted on Vinyl & CD
Sat, Jun 1, 2024
Michael Knott left planet earth on March 12th, probably in an angel-powered rocket. His music legacy is vast. Friends and fans have shared memories and celebrated his life in a variety of ways. Prior to Knott’s departure, Frontline Records licensed release of an alternative music trilogy produced by Knott to RetroActive Records on CD and Vinyl. Fans can listen and love Knott-inspired music in all three recordings.
1993 Brow Beat - Unplugged Alternative
1994 Browbeats Presents: Wither Wing
1994 Alternative Worship: Prayer, Petitions, Praise
MORTAL Still Alive and Well
Fri, Dec 1, 2023
MORTAL is Jerome Fontamillas and Jyro Xhan, who founded one of the early Christian bands to play industrial metal. Lusis, their first album on Frontline’s Intense Records, produced by legendary Terry Scott Taylor, released in 1992. Fathom followed right behind.
This talented duo has continued to create music under different band names. Jerome joined Switchfoot in 2000. They earned a Grammy for Best Rock Gospel Album in 2011 and are still going strong worldwide! Jyro writes and produces new music, most recently for MorZan.
Immortal Frontline Artists! - Part 2
Fri, Sep 1, 2023
Les and Adel interview artists performing in 2nd Annual Immortal Christian Rock Festival 2023 for a special episode.
In Frontline Records Rewind Special Immortal Episodes, host Les Carlsen and executive producer, Adel Meisenheimer, reach out to epic Frontline artist Rey Parra of Sacred Warrior, performing in a rare concert opportunity. Fans can now hear these special episodes, and all 80 previously produced, on Spotify Podcast, Apple Podcast, as well as Frontline Records YouTube channel.
Immortal Frontline Artists! - Part 1
Tue, Aug 1, 2023
Les and Adel interview artists performing in 2nd Annual Immortal Christian Rock Festival 2023 for a special episode.
In Frontline Records Rewind Special Immortal Episode, host Les Carlsen and executive producer, Adel Meisenheimer, reach out to epic Frontline artist Jimmy P Brown of Deliverance, performing in a rare concert opportunity. Fans can now hear this special episode, and all 80 previously produced, on Spotify Podcast, Apple Podcast, as well as Frontline Records YouTube channel.
Randy Rose -The Masquerade – at last
Thu, Jun 1, 2023
Randy Rose has been making rock ‘n roll music and leading fans from darkness to light since the 1980’s. Frontline Records released 4 solo albums in 1991-1994, while simultaneously releasing music with brother, Roger Rose, in Mad At The World that began in 1988.
Thanks to crowd-funded projects, Randy continues to create, going deeper into subjects not often covered by Christian music artists. His latest work, The Masquerade, has been unmasked at last and available on his Bandcamp page.
Mon, May 1, 2023
For fans of Christian alternative music in the ‘80s and ‘90s, it was a radical moment in time for youth, a rebellion against religious platitudes. That movement, especially on the West Coast, created a music revolution that continues to stretch spiritual expression.
Maybe you were one of those kids who benefited from musicians willing to fight battles of discrimination, intolerance and lifeless tradition. If you want to see what these Frontline warriors experienced, help bring this documentary film to the screen.
Lanny Cordola Won’t Back Down
Fri, Mar 24, 2023
Lanny Cordola is an accomplished singer/songwriter, guitarist and producer (The Beach Boys, Guns N’ Roses, Nancy Sinatra, Vanilla Fudge, and others). He was involved in many Frontline Records albums like: Chaos Is The Poetry, Symbiotica, The Dirt (Magdalen), Salvation Medicine Show, and Shades of Blue. Talk about eclectic!
Set Spotify to Lanny Cordola and enjoy hours of amazing!
Big D in the rearview mirror for JPBii
Fri, Feb 24, 2023
Jimmy P Brown II will always be the face, voice and power player of Deliverance. This elite speed metal band has enjoyed longevity more than most ‘80s Christian metal and hard rock groups. Original Frontline Records albums have been remastered and re-issued on CD, Vinyl and now gorgeous picture vinyl by RetroActive Records. Even Jimmy is impressed!
Frontline Records Eclectic Christmas Offerings
Sun, Dec 25, 2022
Music created especially for the Christmas season can set a festive mood, fill a room with delight, and remind a soul of the Redeemer’s entrance to a needy world. Frontline Records artists accomplish this in varied genres. Enjoy what fits your style! We hope the gift of music will enhance your holiday experience. Peace on earth. Goodwill toward mankind.
Frontline album art shirts 25% OFF Black Friday Weekend
Thu, Nov 24, 2022
BLACK FRIDAY WEEKEND SALE at ChristianBandShirts.com!
On top of a site-wide 10% discount on all merch, get an additional 15% OFF Frontline Records Album Artwork shirts and merch! What a rockin’ deal!
After your Black Friday shopping, crank up the Christmas music! Start with Frontline Presents Christmas and Frontline & Friends Christmas. Then enjoy Frontline Records Rewind Episode 75 (December, 2017) again. Host Les Carlsen called his friends for a Christmas Special Extravaganza. Talk about re-gifting!
Frontline Presents: FALL
Fri, Oct 28, 2022
What’s in your Fall Collection? Frontline Records has an eclectic gathering of fifteen tunes centered around the word “fall”. Compilation producer is the late, great Brian Healy (of Dead Artist Syndrome) who peered into the Frontline Records vault to seek songs that express the ups and downs of life, love and faith. Stylistically this project runs the spectrum of genres from rock to alternative to pop-dance. Folks can fall in love all over again with these legacy artists. Available digitally this autumn.
We miss Brian Healy’s wit and wry humor. Take a nostalgic trip and hear him take listeners through FRONTLINE PRESENTS: FALL album, as he designed on Frontline Rewind episode 26.
Check out this Fall’s All Hallow’s Eve collection from Roxx Records. Includes frightening tunes from Frontline artists: Vengeance Rising, Bloodgood and Deliverance.
Les Carlsen Solo Explosion
Fri, Sep 9, 2022
Les Carlsen has been carrying the Metal Musicianary banner for over 38 years since he surrendered his life to Jesus and was called to reach youth through a musical genre that was almost unheard of in Christian music. This led him to partner with Michael Bloodgood, the founder of BLOODGOOD, one of the bands that pioneered the Christian heavy metal movement in the early 80's. Frontline Records was honored to be home to this ground-breaking band, releasing 6 albums from 1986-1990.
Michael Bloodgood - well done, good and faithful servant
Sun, Aug 28, 2022
(Bloodgood FaceBook, July 29, 2022)
Dear Friends – It's with a heavy heart we share that we lost our beloved Michael Bloodgood at 8:15 a.m. central this morning. After a gallant fight that began with a severe hemorrhagic stroke in February 2022, he's gone home to be with our Heavenly Father.
We'll cherish Michael's generous spirit, off-beat sense of humor, and musical soul. His devotion to the Lord and sharing of the Gospel through his ministry as a pastor and musician touched countless lives. Our hearts go out to his family and friends during this unimaginable time. He is survived by his cherished wife of 46 years, Marilyn, three sons, and two grandchildren.
Medical Relief Fund:
Deliverance + Die Happy + Vengeance Rising = Reign of Glory
Fri, Jul 29, 2022
REIGN OF GLORY is a new supergroup featuring members that Frontline Records metal fans know well. Their debut album is titled, All Will Bow. Robyn Kyle Basauri (Die Happy) soars on vocals after a long hiatus from his musical career, better than ever. Founder of the group, Roger Dale Martin (Vengeance Rising, Die Happy), drives on the bass, while Nick Layton (FireWolfe, Q5) crushes it on guitar. Jim Chaffin (Deliverance) delivers on drums, as always. Roxx Records is unleashing REIGN OF GLORY upon the world this summer!
Sodom and America. Timeless message from XL and DBD
Fri, Jun 24, 2022
In 1992 Rap and Metal was all over the mainstream, but no one in Contemporary Christian music was doing it. That is until XL & DBD (Death Before Dishonor) hit the scene and nailed the genre for the Christian market. Released on Brainstorm Artists International (produced by Gene Eugene) in 1993, this album would become a masterpiece among both rap and metal fans worldwide.
Roxx Records brought this classic back to life, first time on vinyl, and on gold disc CD.
Shout/Tamplin Vinyl Available Now
Fri, May 27, 2022
Shout was an 80’s metal band formed by Ken Tamplin and Chuck King. Their first album IT WON’T BE LONG was released on Frontline Records in 1988. This duo put together amazing harmonies, screaming guitar hooks and vocal chops that rivaled some of the biggest bands of the day. Shout commanded great respect from the mainstream metal community.
While fans have been in awe of Ken Tamplin’s work with Shout and Magdallan, the series of solo albums he released between 1990 and 1995 are beloved as well. His 1990 gem, AN AXE TO GRIND (Ken Tamplin and Friends), features Ken’s extremely dynamic vocal range and powerful delivery, combined with smart production, resulting in high quality music. An Axe To Grind is diverse and the talents of “friends” he employed were quite remarkable.
Thanks to Girder Records, It Won’t Be Long has been reissued in Gold CD, remastered for vinyl, and pressed in orange, red and yellow splatter; An Axe to Grind in translucent blue with black and white Splatter Vinyl. Now that’s something to Shout about!
Deliverance: Camelot-in-Smithereens 1995. Camelot MMXXI the Redux
Fri, Apr 29, 2022
Camelot in Smithereens was originally released in 1995 on Frontline’s Intense Records. But Deliverance founder, Jimmy P Brown II, always lamented that the album was far from his original vision. "The Camelot story embodies a lot of allegory, but it's an important tale! It can, and will mean, different things to different people. I know what it means to me, and I am truly glad that after these years it can be revealed to you!"
Matt Hunt at RetroActive Records helped take the Camelot Redux 2021 project across the finish line by manufacturing physical product. Deluxe Edition includes new book + CD of Camelot Redux + Camelot (1995 remastered) + DVD (band footage and interviews). Packages available at Boones.
Metal Passion
Fri, Mar 25, 2022
Sacred Warrior fans can celebrate recent re-issue of two Frontline Records releases in vinyl for the first time: Wicked Generation (1990) and Rebellion (1988), thanks to Roxx Records. The 2022 reissue of these is the first time ever released on vinyl in the USA. Features remaster, color lyric insert, and band photos. Very limited quantity, so head over to https://roxxrecords.com.
Musicianaries still on the Frontline, Part 2
Fri, Feb 25, 2022
Jacob’s Trouble formed in Atlanta, Georgia in the 1980s. The group originally consisted of members Jerry Davison, Mark Blackburn and Steve Atwell. In 1991 they added Ron Cochran and Keith Johnston. Their friendship and ministry continues 30 years later. Blackburn pastors Silver Comet Baptist Church in Dallas, Georgia. Last year Davison and his wife, Cheryl, committed the next couple years to Amazima Ministries, a school and community outreach in Uganda.
Angie Alan was one of the few female artists on the label. She recorded a blend of upbeat pop tunes along with distinct R&B influences. Her sophomore release, The Bottom Line, came out in the summer of 1991 and boasted several hit tracks including the title tune which reached #1 on CCM charts. Recently, Angie and her musician/producer husband, David Ebensberger, made a leap to Belgium, creating a church space and Arts Outreach Center. They continue to use the tools of music and the arts in reaching the local community with Christian love.
Musicianaries still on the Frontline
Wed, Jan 19, 2022
Bloodgood continues to rock. Fans can get in on a rare appearance next month, FEBRUARY 18 & 19 in OHIO. Their documentary film, “Trenches of Rock: the Metal Mission of Bloodgood”, is a must see. This event includes a Watch Party of the film, Q&A with the band and free film Soundtrack CD. Get there if you can!
Get ticket link at Bloodgoodband.com.
Christafari shares the Gospel message Reggae style all over the world. From thousands in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil to a tribe in the bottom of the Grand Canyon. COVID limited International travel, but that did not stop this dedicated Musicianary group. They set a goal of ministering in all 50 states of the United States. And they did it!
Check out Christafari website for new music and consider contributing to their worldwide reach.
The Destruction Comes Coverup
Wed, Nov 10, 2021
Frontline Records has some unforgettable album cover art. Destruction Comes and Released Upon The Earth, by VENGEANCE RISING, is no exception. Both were recently re-mastered and re-released by Roxx Records.
Here is the story of an album cover that needed camouflage for some retail stores in 1991:
The original cover on Destruction Comes was censored so people could not see a partially decaying body builder. On the outside of the jewel case there was a sticker placed of the same body builder, with all his parts intact. The sticker was intended to hide the “offending” cover art so that conservative stores wouldn’t refuse to carry the CD.
Thirty years later, Roxx Records released Destruction Comes in CD (Gold Disc Edition). Full original artwork, no cover sticker. Nothing to hide here!
Deliverance! What a joke!
Fri, Oct 22, 2021
Deliverance served up their third thrash metal album on Intense Records in 1991, titled What A Joke. According to founder and frontman, Jimmy P. Brown II: “I threw together all those riffs in a matter of weeks and we rehashed a bunch of old songs because we just did not have anything. We went in to record What A Joke, and inevitably, it was.” Ironically, many fans adore this collection with food fillers, joke songs and throwaways. Check it out for yourself.
Band members, JPB II, George Ochoa, Mike Grato and Kevin Lee threw together 16 tracks, of which 5 are under a minute. Add a Black Sabath cover (After Forever), Christmas anthem (Silent Night), guest vocals by Vengeance Rising Roger Martinez, and it is wild! Fans can check out punch lines on the re-issued CD and Vinyl by RetroActive Records.
Fri, Sep 24, 2021
Poor Old Lu includes original members: Jesse and Aaron Sprinkle, Scott Hunter and Nick Barber, childhood friends who deliver raw, energetic, sometimes dark, alternative tunes. Introspective lyrics address struggles with identity, society and spirituality. SIN was POL’s sophomore album. Its artwork became iconic and music challenged listeners to step outside their comfort zone. Recorded during the heyday of grunge-era classics, SIN spoke to the current generation without coming across as derivative. Over 25 years later, the music and lyrics feel as pertinent as ever.
A crowd-funder sponsored by Lo-Fidelity Records resulted in a double Vinyl and CD re-issue, with bonus tracks, of the 1994 Alarma Records release. Fresh cover art made the signature pink bunny Peep pop, as much as the re-mastered audio. If fans missed the 2020 fundraiser, there are a few copies available on the Poor Old Lu BandCamp site.
MMM... Bloodgood
Fri, Aug 27, 2021
Bloodgood is a blessed blend of Music, Message and Melodic Metal. Trademark vocals by Les Carlsen, bold bass lines of Michael Bloodgood, David Zaffiro & Paul Jackson shredding guitars pull hard on the ear. Hear the band’s delivery of social, faith, and life messages still relevant after 30 years. Listen and see that it is mmm so good.
Two Frontline Records albums have been seriously remastered and repackaged by RetroActive Records on CD in 4-panel digipak. Procure some righteous head-banging metal in Out of the Darkness and Rock in a Hard Place.
Hitting Hard with LIAISON
Fri, Jul 23, 2021
Brothers, Tim and Lary Melby, formed LIAISON and delivered their power message and arena rock punch over 30 years ago on Frontline Records. Fans will appreciate the top notch production by industry veteran Bill Baumgart and contributions by notable artists like Tony Palacios, Oz Fox and Lanny Cordola. Liaison charted numerous hit songs including #1s Kick It Down, Urgency, My God Is A Rock and Up At Night.
All three albums have been remastered and repackaged by Girder Records on CD. Get the bundle for full impact. For fans who prefer in-your-face lyrics about important topics, these releases will hit right between the eyes.
Mon, Jul 12, 2021
Sacred Warrior delivered their fourth album, OBSESSIONS, on Frontline’s Intense Records label in 1991. Its progressive power metal and cohesive spiritual observations earned the #7 spot on Heaven’s Metal Top 100 Christian Metal Albums Of All-Time list. Rey Parra’s soaring vocals and bold up-front faith lyrics penned by him, Velasquez, Swift, Johnson and Watkins are signature Warrior. Thirty years later, Obsessions has been wonderfully remastered with fresh full-color graphics by Retroactive Records on CD and Vinyl. Fans can satisfy their addiction for excellence in Christian metal music with this release.
Fri, May 21, 2021
DELIVERANCE released its groundbreaking self-titled album on Frontline Records label in 1989. It was one of the first major thrash metal releases in the Christian music market. Deliverance contains head banging melodic speed metal and fist pumping thrash with soaring vocals by founder, Jimmy P. Brown. Over 30 years later, Retroactive Records updated album art and masters, pressed it on gold disc, and made it available for a heightened fan experience. Check out bonus tracks, lyrics and band member notes while listening to music that delivers power and truth!
LITTLE RED RIDING HOOD like you never heard it before
Tue, Apr 27, 2021
Lost Dogs is a blend of Christian music’s respected members: Terry Taylor (Daniel Amos), Gene Eugene (Adam Again), Derri Daugherty (The Choir) and Mike Roe (77s). Musical result is a blend of country, blues, rock and folk. They recorded Little Red Riding Hood in 1993 on Brainstorm Artists Int’l label. Many of the tracks are beloved in the alternative Christian music world. Studio outtakes reveal the wackiness of the group, as does their album cover choice.
Thanks to a fan fundraiser hosted by Lo-Fidelity Records, Little Red Riding Hood was remastered and issued on double CD and double Vinyl, with lyric inserts for a good read. In addition, the band put together over 30 cuts from demos, mixes and live recordings for their Big Bad Wolf collection. If you missed the KickStarter, don’t cry. Lost Dogs Bandcamp page has digital download. Granny never sounded so good.
Christ Is Risen so you can DIE HAPPY II
Fri, Mar 26, 2021
Die Happy hit its stride on sophomore album titled “Volume II”. Compared to the band’s self-titled album, they take groove and blues elements to further heights, while maintaining hard rock and metal guitar edges. Original DH veteran musicians Doug Thieme, Larry Farkas (guitars), Glen Mancaruso (drums) and power soul vocalist Robyn Basauri turn out another great performance. But the newly added member who brings his blues-based, hard rock influence to this heightened experience is bassist, Greg Chaisson. With this Volume II groove, it is difficult to believe that three members were founders of acclaimed thrash band, Vengeance Rising.
For the first time ever, Die Happy Volume II is available on limited edition splatter vinyl, plus re-mastered Gold Disc CD, thanks to Roxx Records.
Talent from A to ZAFFIRO
Fri, Feb 26, 2021
In addition to being guitarist and a founding member of the iconic Christian metal band Bloodgood, David Zaffiro treated fans to four fine rock solo albums on Frontline Records: The Other Side (1989), In Scarlett Storm (1990), Surrender Absolute (1992) and Yesterday’s Left Behind (1994). In 2020, Retroactive Records remastered and re-issued these CDs with 8-page insert. Grab a bundle and be amazed with Zaffiro’s talent, master guitar riffing, world-class vocals and transparent lyrics.
Fri, Jan 22, 2021
Happy 30th Anniversary to Die Happy! Formed in 1990, four of the founding members of classic Christian thrash band Vengeance Rising stepped out and recorded this self-titled debut album. It is still on the heavier side, but not the thrash their fans were accustomed to, especially with new vocalist, Robyn Basauri. With arena rock vocals, seasoned musicians and socially focused lyrics, this album made a solid impact in the Christian rock world. For the first time ever DIE HAPPY is available on limited edition splatter vinyl, plus re-mastered CD, thanks to Roxx Records.
Once Dead – Now Alive!
Fri, Dec 18, 2020
VENGEANCE RISING, one of the top bands on Frontline Records, released their sophomore album ONCE DEAD in 1990. It was the final album with the original lineup that launched the Christian thrash scene. It features intense guitars, a Deep Purple cover of “Space Truckin’” and lead singer Roger Martinez singing instead of growling on one track. Now that’s diversity! Like the band’s first release, Human Sacrifice, lyrics have a solid Bible base. Thirty years later, Roxx Records remastered this iconic album for vinyl and gold CD, with limited pressing available for thrash metal fans.
Human Sacrifice -What a gift!
Fri, Nov 20, 2020
VENGEANCE RISING was a Christian thrash band on Frontline Records who also reached notoriety in the secular death metal scene. Screaming vocals, ripping, shredding guitars with biblically sound lyrics was a gift to youth in the 1980s whose faith journey moved them away from bands like Slayer and Venom. The band’s first album, Human Sacrifice, had a brutal cover that Christian bookstores refused to display. But mainstream and underground stores carried it and the message. Over 30 years later, fans can order a remastered copy of this iconic album in CD and Vinyl at RoxxRecords.com.
ANGELICA Rockin’ and Walkin’ in Faith
Fri, Oct 23, 2020
ROCK, STOCK & BARREL was the third album on Frontline Records from Christian rock band, ANGELICA. Dennis Cameron, founder, songwriter and guitarist extraordinaire, signed a 5-album deal with the label, but none of them were pressed into vinyl -until now! Girder Records re-issued this rockin’ release and has a limited supply on CD and vinyl.
RECON Behind Enemy Lines
Fri, Sep 25, 2020
BEHIND ENEMY LINES -was a highly relevant theme when RECON released this album in 1990, as it is today! Military-themed album cover and title represent the spiritual warfare lyric content and power metal performance. Though the Los Angeles based group only recorded one album and didn’t tour, the reconnaissance message has been a Christian metal fan favorite, resulting in CD re-issues over the years. Currently, Roxx Records has this stand-alone album available on gold CD and camouflage Vinyl.
SHOUT At The Top of Their Lungs
Thu, Aug 20, 2020
IN YOUR FACE by SHOUT is one of those full-throttle albums that never lets up. Ken Tamplin and Chuck King make a guitar duo like no other and Tamplin’s vocals are legendary in this ’80s Christian heavy rock glam band. In celebration of a 30th anniversary, Girder Records re-issued the album on CD and purple vinyl.
How about wearing something ON YOUR FACE.. At The Top of Their Lungs masks!
BLOODGOOD Still on a Mission
Fri, Jul 31, 2020
After 35 years, Bloodgood continues to rock! In 2019 their iconic album, Detonation, was released on CD. The documentary film, Trenches of Rock, that chronicled their metal mission, hit film festivals around the world, garnering a dozen awards. The group had international performances scheduled for 2020, but you-know-what interfered. Members hope to pick up the Trenches of Rock Tour again. Meanwhile, music and merch is available for your in-home pleasure. Create your own bundle of goodness. http://www.bloodgoodband.com/trenches-of-rock-soundtrack.html
Fri, Jun 26, 2020
Deliverance, primarily a speed metal Christian band from Los Angeles, took more of a doom metal direction in the fifth album recorded on Frontline Records. LEARN contains a melodic, progressive, moody rock vibe. Lyrically, it is self-reflective, often about a man wrestling with his spirituality while living in the world. Retroactive Records reissued LEARN on CD and Vinyl. Lyrics to Jimmy P. Brown’s deeply reflective songs are included. Get a LEARN hoodie too. https://christianbandshirts.com/?s=learn&post_type=product
Fri, May 22, 2020
Mortification, a Christian extreme metal band in Australia, began its metal missionary journey on Frontline’s Intense Records label with its self-titled release in 1991. Five additional releases followed. Soundmass is excited to celebrate the upcoming 30th anniversary of this ground-breaking band with a 7-CD Box Set that contains all 6 of the Intense releases and a previously unreleased 1996 live album. Each CD includes 12-page booklet with lyrics, photos, album histories and bonus tracks! Fans can celebrate Mortification’s big 3-0 by purchasing the box set or individual albums.
Happy 30th Anniversary to Die Happy!
Tue, May 19, 2020
Four of the founding members of Christian thrash band, Vengeance Rising, formed the group and released their debut self-titled album on Frontline Records in 1992 and sophomore album, Volume II, in 1994. Roxx Productions re-issued both albums on splatter vinyl and gold disc CD. Perfect for an optimal stay-at-home audio experience.
Frontline Alternative
Thu, Mar 19, 2020
Host a home Easter service and power it up with Frontline Presents: The Passion, the best metal resurrection collection alternative ever!
Vintage band shirts are making a comeback!
Thu, Feb 20, 2020
ChristianBandShirts.com has many selections featuring Frontline Records album cover artwork. Profits are shared with artists, so you can support your favorites!
Check out ChristianBandShirts.com for Frontline Records artist T-shirts and Hoodies.
Rewind Host, Brian Healy, Signed Off
Wed, Jan 22, 2020
Brian Healy, of Dead Artist Syndrome, instigated and hosted over 30 episodes of Frontline Records Rewind. On January 12th, Brian signed off of his earthly assignment, maybe with his usual, “Grace and Peace”. We will greatly miss his snarky wit and unique musical style in “a little known goth band”, grateful for recordings that will live on. All episodes of the show can be heard on Frontline Records.
Rockin’ Concert Event
Fri, Dec 20, 2019
Bloodgood is celebrating release of the documentary film about their music and mission, "Trenches Of Rock", with a concert event in Seattle, Washington, January 30th. Attendees get a rare treat: film viewing and live concert performance by this iconic metal band. Several ticket levels are available. We recommend purchasing a VIP package for maximum experience!
Trenches Of Rock: The Metal Mission of Bloodgood
Mon, Nov 18, 2019
Trenches Of Rock: The Metal Mission of Bloodgood is releasing on DVD and Blu-Ray December 12! The film is an entertaining, encouraging, impactful film with a journey that began in 2012 with a crowdfunding campaign to help director and producer, Paul Michael Bloodgood, fulfill his vision. As son of the group founder, Paul had a front row seat in the 30-year history of this “Christian metal” band. It wasn’t an easy road. Mainstream music industry couldn’t figure out how to work with faith-based lyrics performed by a heavy metal band; and religious conservatives believed the devil was at work. Check out the Film Festival awards – 13 of them! http://trenchesofrockfilm.com/
A Very Metal Autumn
Fri, Oct 25, 2019
With the falling of autumn leaves, Frontline Records’ webstore partners have teamed up to drop a heavy Limited Run Vinyl selection of metal music on fans. All Vinyl are pressed in random colors, 180 Gram audiophile grade, remastered, with free digital download. Planning ahead for Christmas gifts (giving & receiving)? Shop there for classic Frontline artists.
Frontline Presents: FALL
Fri, Sep 27, 2019
Frontline Records is pleased to present the release of an eclectic gathering of fifteen tunes centered around the word “fall”. Compilation producer, Brian Healy (of Dead Artist Syndrome), peered into the Frontline Records vault to seek songs that express the ups and downs of life, love and faith. Stylistically this project runs the spectrum of genres from rock to alternative to pop-dance. Folks can fall in love all over again with these legacy artists. Available digitally this autumn.
Alternatives for Summer Fade
Fri, Aug 30, 2019
Les Carlsen, lead singer of Bloodgood, is singing with Tourniquet, another legacy band, in South America on September 12-15. Les is excited about being frontman for this group in Chile and Brazil. Earlier this summer they played in Scandinavian countries.
Frontline Records opens door into Summer
Fri, Jul 26, 2019
Frontline Records opens the door into summer with thanks to Terry Scott Taylor’s influence. As we dive into the season, Frontline Records #FridayGiveaway is featuring music with themes like surfing, sunshine and paradise. Even if you don’t live near a beach, tunes from Jacob’s Trouble, The Insyderz and Terry Scott Taylor’s Surfonic Water Revival will start a sunny mood. You can see the common thread of influence by Terry Scott Taylor in the lives and music of all these artists. Some consider him the Godfather of Christian alternative music. These days he is enjoying being a Grandfather and continuing to create music for Patreon supporters. With the help of a successful Kickstarter, Taylor will record a studio album using his favorite new creations, with participation by some of his good buddies from The Lost Dogs and Daniel Amos. You can be part of this historic album release by one of the music industry’s most respected producers and songwriters and support his campaign.
Frontline Artists are Rockin’ into Summer
Fri, Jun 14, 2019
This Spring, Frontline Records #FridayGiveaway has been awarding lucky winners a CD copy from our vast legendary rock music vault and will continue into summer. Featured artists have been: Bloodgood, David Zaffiro, Magdallan, Sacred Warrior and Shout. Today another Shout CD, In Your Face, will be offered thanks to a Girder Records re-issue in their Legends of Rock Series. Check out the Shout Bundle available on their webstore.
Ken Tamplin is one of the founding members of Shout, along with Chuck King. He is the winner of four GMA Dove Awards, including Hard Music Album of the Year in 1994 for his album, Tamplin. Girder Records remastered and repackaged this album and In The Witness Box (1995 release). Ken has moved on to coach thousands through The Ken Tamplin Vocal Academy. Want to grow your voice? Ken offers the first lesson for FREE!
Legendary band, Deliverance, lead by legendary Jimmy P. Brown II, is on the move this summer with a European Tour. Check dates on Deliverance FaceBook page.
Sacred Warrior Albums – Take Your Pick!
Fri, May 24, 2019
Last week #FridayGiveaway offered the winner a choice of 3 recently re-issued Sacred Warrior CDs. Fans had a good time interacting and relating stories of their experiences with this legendary band’s music. Re-mastered CDs are available from Retroactive Records.
Today on Frontline FaceBook #FridayGiveaway, participating fans have an opportunity to win a CD copy of DETONATION (Special Edition) by Bloodgood. This release includes the original 10 power songs, remastered by award-winning Bloodgood guitarist, David Zaffiro, plus 3 bonus tracks from a 1987 concert in Sacramento, California. Don’t despair if you are not the lucky drawing winner. It is available digitally everywhere.
Recently, Bloodgood members went on tour in California and are seeking additional sites.
“The #MVPTour left us feeling fired up! We can’t wait to play again!”
Frontline Alumni Has a New Heavenly Address
Mon, Apr 22, 2019
Rick Elias passed from earth to eternity last week. His music accomplishments were many and varied in the recording and film industry. Frontline Records was favored with 2 of his solo albums: “Rick Elias & The Confessions” and “Ten Stories”. His music will live on to encourage listeners.
Mad At The World Friday Giveaway
Fri, Mar 22, 2019
Recently, #FridayGiveaway gifted CD and Vinyl copies of some iconic alternative albums to participating fans in a weekly drawing. Artist photos and videos from the 1980’s were shared and lots of folks reminisced about their experiences. This Friday kicks off a little different music genre with Mad At The World. One random fan will be blessed with an autographed vinyl copy of 1992 Frontline release, “Through The Forest”, re-issued by Retroactive Records.
Exciting Alternative Music Offerings
Sat, Feb 16, 2019
So far this month, #FridayGiveaway offered a free Swirling Eddies CD, The Berry Vest, and Browbeats: Unplugged Alternative to fans who were chosen in the Frontline Records weekly drawing. This Friday, the offering is a re-mastered CD, Devotion, by Undercover. Following a recent successful crowd-funder by Lo-Fidelity Records, this 1992 release is available digitally for the first time - ever!
Today the world will get to hear the music of DigHayZoose (like “Dig Jesus”) digitally for the first time! This group fused punk rock and freestyle jazz to create their own sound, originally released in 1991 on Brainstorm Artists Int’l. Terry Scott Taylor produced the first album, Struggle Fish. MagentaMantaLoveTree and Ascension 7: Rocketship to Heaven were co-produced by Gene Eugene.
There are more Alternative music offerings planned in #FridayGiveaway, including an Adam Again release on CD, or even Vinyl. That’s some exciting free stuff!
Having fun with #FridayGiveaway
Fri, Jan 25, 2019
#FridayGiveaway kicked off at Christmas time with great fan participation. Every Friday, a free album Download, CD or surprise Vinyl copy is offered on Frontline Records FaceBook page. To enter for the drawing, fans include #FridayGiveaway with a comment. The winner is announced on Tuesdays. Sometimes the artist provides a personal Congratulations Video. How fun is that?! January featured some of our head-banging metal music artists. This Friday the CD offering is Bloodgood’s “Rock In A Hard Place”! The fun continues in February with Alternative artist music giveaways. Oh Yeah!
Les Carlsen, Bloodgood lead singer and former Frontline Rewind host, released his very early solo album for the first time, titled “Les Carlsen 1971”. Les recorded it while performing the lead role in a Broadway production of HAIR.
 Click here to order.
To hear about Les’ rich musical journey, check out Frontline Rewind Episode #65.
Frontline legacy artists rarely perform in live venues, so when they do, it is a real treat. Deliverance is scheduled to appear in Southern California on February 17th at Melones in Santa Ana. Join us if you can!
Frontline Records is in the Christmas Spirit!
Fri, Nov 30, 2018
There isn’t one particular style of Christmas-theme music in the Frontline Records catalog. We’ve got Rock, Ska, Blues, Electronic, Alternative and Instrumental. Can’t decide on one? Check out the collections with sampling of various artists and rock your holiday Spirit!
Fall Features from Frontline Records
Tue, Nov 6, 2018
Frontline Records is home to over 100 diverse artists. Some of them continue to produce new music, or re-issue iconic albums in CD or Vinyl. Here are a couple releases this fall by artists who have been in our line-up.
Altar Boys: thealtarboys.bandcamp.com
LSU: https://blondevinyl.bandcamp.com/album/wakin-up-the-dead-remaster-2018
REWIND 80: The crew wraps up 6 years of radio/podcast entertainment and closes a chapter on a program featuring music and memori
Fri, Jun 1, 2018
In Frontline Rewind episode 80, the crew wraps up 6 years of radio/podcast entertainment and closes a chapter on a program featuring music and memories from a variety of recording artists. Rewind Recap Finale hi-lights 12 guests on the show performing live renditions of songs they recorded in the ‘80s and ‘90s Christian music scene. It is difficult to choose material from 79 episodes and over 40 artists in a 1-hour recap episode, but here is the line-up: Michael Knott, Freedom of Soul, Deliverance, Jon Gibson, Bloodgood, Altar Boys, Recon, EDL, 12th Tribe, SFC, Preachas In Disguise and Lanny Cordola.
Original host, Brian Healy (founder of Dead Artist Syndrome), proposed the show to Adel Meisenheimer (whose company owns and manages Frontline Records catalog and others) and deemed her “Executive Producer”. His radio voice and DJ experience created a fun, some-what professional, experience as he presented playlists introducing or reminding listeners about music of artists in mixed genres. Due to health issues, Healy could not continue. But in Episode 32, Les Carlsen (lead singer of Bloodgood) was a guest host and then agreed to full-time, launching his “reality TV” style, getting together with artists in an interview/music format.
Friendships were made and bonds created between Rewind crew and artists. Listeners were treated to stories from musical and spiritual journeys, live performances, commentary for musical works and updates on current activity from the Frontline family. It is bittersweet to announce the Finale of Frontline Records Rewind and our hope is that many benefited. Episodes can be enjoyed for generations on FrontlineRecords, YouTube and iTunes. Thanks for your support!
Scotty… call the limo. We’re outta here!
REWIND 79: Street Called Straight original member, Scott Frankfurt, continues with his story chronicling his next three albums a
Fri, Apr 20, 2018
In Frontline Rewind episode 79, Executive Producer Adel Meisenheimer continues her conversation with Scott Frankfurt, of Street Called Straight. Listeners will recognize many names of musical heroes, friends and clients he has worked with since the 1980’s. The show features tracks from “Heartsongâ€, recorded on Frontline Records by this pop husband-wife artist duo, with guest appearances from some very accomplished musicians.
“Pick Up The Pieces†is a duet with Jody Moreing-Frankfurt and Philip Bailey, of Earth Wind and Fire, a group Scott still works with. Listeners hear a humorous story about the time Howard McCrary came to work on their track, “To Save Youâ€, which happened to use a song in the intro that he wrote for Gospel great, Shirley Caesar. Jody, who passed away in 2006, truly looked forward to heaven and many of her songs reflect it, including those on two albums released after Frontline Records: Well In The Wilderness and Saints In The Light.
Scott Frankfurt Studio in Los Angeles provides an exquisite recording environment. Scott’s experience, skill and humility has attracted many notable, famous musicians and artists, too numerous to name here. Sergio Mendes was there the day before Scott opened his door and heart to the Rewind crew. The Studio is no longer private and he will work with those who are “doing it for the right reasonsâ€. Listeners will learn more about the reasons that motivated the music of this artist couple.
REWIND 78: Street Called Straight original member, Scott Frankfurt let’s us into his gorgeous studio in Woodland Hills, CA and
Fri, Mar 16, 2018
In Frontline Rewind episode 78, Executive Producer Adel Meisenheimer subs in for host Les Carlsen and interviews Scott Frankfurt, half of high-tech husband and wife pop duo, Street Called Straight. The other half, Jody Moreing Frankfurt, passed away in 2006, but Scott does a wonderful job of taking listeners through this dynamic couple’s spiritual, musical and relational journey. Listeners get to hear the progression from secular success, to salvation, to Sunday church, to CCM recordings on Frontline Records.
Before marrying Scott, Jody had a record deal and secular success, including the writing of a song called “Danny†recorded on pop singer Tiffany’s debut album that sold over 11 million copies in 1987. Listeners will hear about her relationship with Lindsay Buckingham of Fleetwood Mac. Stevie Nicks almost wasn’t!
Scott, a drummer, keyboardist and sound designer, started writing songs with Jody in the late ‘80s. Their first Contemporary Christian Music album, “Street Called Straightâ€, was one of the first in that market to be programmed digitally in 1991, thanks to Scott’s extraordinary tech talent. This episode includes songs with Jody’s unmistakable voice from the first album, complete with intros, recited lyrics and tech secrets straight from the artist.
REWIND 77: Every Day Life (EDL) original members continue with more of the juicy details behind some of their most controversial
Fri, Feb 9, 2018
In Frontline Records Rewind Episode 77, host Les Carlsen continues his conversation with rapcore group, Every Day Life (EDL), during a reunion rehearsal, 15 years after their last album. Listeners are treated to a couple live performances from that gathering and more of the juicy details behind some of their most controversial songs.
Members Tedd Cookerly, Carl Weaver, Eric Wilkins and Jim Rupe share insights, but lead singer, Cookerly, is particularly transparent. He calls himself “a kid on welfareâ€, claims “everybody tolerates Tedd†and explains how EDL used their music as a voice for people who were searching for a commonality. Songs they wrote expressed empathy for victims of church vanity, rape, those who were belittled and youth who suffered from depression. Songs discussed in the episode were recorded on “American Standard†(Frontline) and “Moment of Clarity†(KMG).
Tedd’s colorful narration includes a story of how Allan Aguirre (Scatered Few) prevented him from punching the lead singer of a Christian band during a concert. Another time he threatened to punch the nose of a Focus On The Family article writer. (Tedd often went looking for fights with those he believed disrespected friends and other Christian music pioneers.) Listeners will want to hear all the tales. Tedd even explains where babies come from!
REWIND 76: Every Day Life (EDL) original members gather at a rehearsal space, put on a live show just for Frontline Rewind, and
Fri, Jan 12, 2018
In Frontline Records Rewind Episode 76, host Les Carlsen walked into a SoCal studio to sounds of rapcore by the pioneering group, Every Day Life (EDL), and talked with them about their unique combination of rap and metal, formulated in 1992. The show opens with a live 2016 rehearsal performance that will convince listeners EDL still has their chops!
Tedd Cookerly, Carl Weaver, Eric Wilkins and Jim Rupe explain the thrill and fright of creating something new and the challenges of recording their improvisational, impromptu style. Lanny Cordola, producer of first Frontline album, “Disgruntled”, made it “shinier” than the group envisioned. Mike Knott produced, and Gene Eugene engineered, second release, “American Standard”, named for the toilet manufacturer, which continued their raw social criticism. Cookerly admits some lyrics included swear words, which didn’t seem to bother the record label, but many Christian bookstores were ruffled by lyric and controversial content, pulling CDs from the shelves. Ironically, EDL’s song, “Salt Circles,” was nominated for a “Hard Music” Dove Award in 1999.
This conversation and reunion performance is rare and exclusive, something you don’t hear every day.
REWIND 75: Les Carlsen's Christmas Special Extravaganza. Les Carlsen of Bloodgood calls his friends and requests their favorite
Fri, Dec 8, 2017
In Frontline Records Rewind Episode 74, host Les Carlsen continues his musical interrogation of Crumbacher members Stephen Crumbacher, Dawn Wisner Johnson and Jimmy Wisner. Stephen talks about the beginning days of Frontline, including the surreal experience of driving around his musical idol, Terry Taylor, looking for potential studios.
In the show, listeners are wowed by acapella intro to “Glowing In The Darkâ€, off INCANDESCENT, the song that gave the group their signature sound. Acapella intro also kicks off “Speechless†from TAME THE VOLCANO, which Jimmy admitted was a favorite. These intros were from memory -no cheat sheets, folks- in amazing harmony! Stephen provides the inside scoop for his concept album, ESCAPE FROM THE FALLEN PLANET.
It was the ‘80s! Broken down van or bus, causing them to nearly miss their sets, Stephen’s mom making outfits, Jimmy wearing girl’s clothes and hair styles that reflected the times, were the norm for this keyboard-heavy pop group from Southern California. The episode closes with an emotional solo piano version of “Once More (For The Band)†off TAME THE VOLCANO, which was Stephen’s farewell song, a gift to the group, even before the decision to stop performing was final. Listeners may tear up a bit.
REWIND 74: Crumbacher original members explain their 80s fashion decisions and give us even more of the stories behind the songs
Fri, Nov 17, 2017
In Frontline Records Rewind Episode 74, host Les Carlsen continues his musical interrogation of Crumbacher members Stephen Crumbacher, Dawn Wisner Johnson and Jimmy Wisner. Stephen talks about the beginning days of Frontline, including the surreal experience of driving around his musical idol, Terry Taylor, looking for potential studios.
In the show, listeners are wowed by acapella intro to “Glowing In The Darkâ€, off INCANDESCENT, the song that gave the group their signature sound. Acapella intro also kicks off “Speechless†from TAME THE VOLCANO, which Jimmy admitted was a favorite. These intros were from memory -no cheat sheets, folks- in amazing harmony! Stephen provides the inside scoop for his concept album, ESCAPE FROM THE FALLEN PLANET.
It was the ‘80s! Broken down van or bus, causing them to nearly miss their sets, Stephen’s mom making outfits, Jimmy wearing girl’s clothes and hair styles that reflected the times, were the norm for this keyboard-heavy pop group from Southern California. The episode closes with an emotional solo piano version of “Once More (For The Band)†off TAME THE VOLCANO, which was Stephen’s farewell song, a gift to the group, even before the decision to stop performing was final. Listeners may tear up a bit.
REWIND 73: Crumbacher original members tell us how they got signed, recorded their epic harmonies, loaded up their many many key
Fri, Oct 13, 2017
In Frontline Records Rewind Episode 73, host Les Carlsen gets together with Crumbacher members Stephen Crumbacher, Dawn Wisner Johnson and Jimmy Wisner, and into their "party in a box"Â pop-dance style. Stephen talks about breaks he got in the early 1980's when he submitted a demo tape to Maranatha! Music, which lead to a track on MRC and Broken Records compilations, which lead to their 3 albums released on Frontline Records: Escape From The Fallen Planet, Thunder Beach and Tame The Volcano.
The group's multi-keyboard style was attractive to Ojo Taylor of Undercover, who produced the first tracks. They also surprised Ojo when all three members gathered around a studio microphone and belted out their epic harmonies. In this episode, listeners are treated to an acappella intro of "Interstellar Satellite".
Stephen wrote Crumbacher's deep lyrics, with Biblical foundation. In fact, he provided scripture references supporting each song, which is why their music is timeless. The three original members are kind of timeless too, attending the same High School in Southern California and their families are still close today. Listeners get to experience the harmony of their relationship and vocals in this rare interview.
Rewind 72: Shout members Ken Tamplin and Chuck King continue with stories of cleaning carpets, speeding tickets, machine guns, a
Fri, Sep 15, 2017
Frontline Rewind host Les Carlsen exclaims, “These are the best tour stories I’ve heardâ€, as he continues an interview with original Shout members, Chuck King (in person) and “virtual†Ken Tamplin (in Hawaii). Listeners are entertained with topics like: stolen clothes from a dressing room, speeding tickets in every state, train stop in the middle of Germany demanding money or else, and a 26-foot long sandwich Ken gave to KLOS radio to get music played.
Ken’s eating habits were the cause of many awkward situations. Chuck states that Ken needed to eat every 15 minutes –“like a duck.†Ken’s need to stop landed the long-haired rockers in Grandma’s Southern Cooking (Grandma is not the image one would expect) and trapped them in the middle of a tornado while stopping at a “choke and puke†diner in Pennsylvania.
The guys laughingly credit Frontline Records as the reason for the stories. If a tour budget had been provided, they wouldn’t have been speeding from state to state in a broken down van, struggling to pay transportation and food costs. Rockin’ tracks from It Won’t Be Long and In Your Face are weaved in between stories. Pure entertainment!
Rewind 71: Vengeance Rising, Recon, Sacred Warrior, World View, and Chaotic Resemblance members join us in the SoCal Metal Fest
Fri, Aug 18, 2017
Join us in the green room for interviews with guitarist George Ochoa (Recon, Worldview), vocalist Rey Parra (Sacred Warrior, Worldview), drummer Glen Mancaruso (Vengeance Rising, Die Happy), guitarist Doug Thieme (Vengeance Rising, Die Happy), bassist Roger Dale Martin (Vengeance Rising, Die Happy), L/A and Travis from Chaotic Resemblance, Bill Roxx, and Les Carlsen (Bloodgood).
REWIND 70: Shout members Ken Tamplin and Chuck King share epic tour stories and the unorthodox circumstances that brought them t
Fri, Jul 21, 2017
In Frontline Records Rewind Episode 70, host Les Carlsen gets together with Shout member, Chuck King, in person and “virtual” Ken Tamplin from his home in Hawaii. The guys share wild tour stories and insights about songs they co-wrote for albums, It Won’t Be Long and In Your Face.
Contemporary Christian rock music fans might recall that Chuck was originally the guitarist for Frontline artist, Idle Cure. Listeners hear how Chuck and Ken met. (Includes Ken hawking equipment through Recycler in order to eat.) They ended up forming a new group and signing a contract with Frontline. We learn of Ken’s decision to turn down a very lucrative secular band to honor his commitment with Frontline.
Shout recordings often featured guitar solos by Frontline artist, Lanny Cordola (House of Lords, Magdallen), who started giving Ken guitar lessons at age 16. Ken shares a humorous story of this early time with Lanny and how they developed as friends. Listen to his crazy solo on the hit song, “Shout”.
Rewind 69: Sandra Stephens and Allegra Parks talk about doing background vocals for many eclectic Lanny Cordola albums and how t
Fri, Jun 23, 2017
In Frontline Records Rewind Episode 69, executive producer, Adel Meisenheimer, continues her conversation with Sandra Stephens and Allegra Parks. These ladies sang background vocals for Jon Gibson, Scott Blackwell, Lanny Cordola and other Frontline artists. Though it has been about 25 years since they wrote, recorded and toured hit songs, they still recall them and treat listeners with acappella intros and even a new Rewind intro.
The episode focuses on Sandra’s participation with Lanny Cordola in various projects he produced for Frontline Records –and we do mean “Variousâ€! Sandra’s deep appreciation and gratitude for this eclectic artist/producer is rooted in lessons communicated that “This is who you are, and this is who you can be musically.†In the 1990’s and even to this day, when Lanny asks Sandra to write or sing on a project, she doesn’t hesitate to show up.
The show takes us from Reggae Worship II, to Blues For The Child to a far-out trans music album, Symbiotica, where listeners can learn to recognize Sandra’s soulfully low, modern R&B, jazz-influenced, pitch-perfect voice.
Sandra released her first solo album titled He Can and it is a must-have CD! Listeners get a little taste of it. Allegra also released a solo album in 2014 titled Just To Praise and Worship You, and a track from this exciting Gospel-flavored project closes the show.
REWIND 80: The crew wraps up 6 years of radio/podcast entertainment and closes a chapter on a program featuring music and memori
Thu, Jun 1, 2017
In Frontline Rewind episode 80, the crew wraps up 6 years of radio/podcast entertainment and closes a chapter on a program featuring music and memories from a variety of recording artists. Rewind Recap Finale hi-lights 12 guests on the show performing live renditions of songs they recorded in the ‘80s and ‘90s Christian music scene. It is difficult to choose material from 79 episodes and over 40 artists in a 1-hour recap episode, but here is the line-up: Michael Knott, Freedom of Soul, Deliverance, Jon Gibson, Bloodgood, Altar Boys, Recon, EDL, 12th Tribe, SFC, Preachas In Disguise and Lanny Cordola.
Original host, Brian Healy (founder of Dead Artist Syndrome), proposed the show to Adel Meisenheimer (whose company owns and manages Frontline Records catalog and others) and deemed her “Executive Producerâ€. His radio voice and DJ experience created a fun, some-what professional, experience as he presented playlists introducing or reminding listeners about music of artists in mixed genres. Due to health issues, Healy could not continue. But in Episode 32, Les Carlsen (lead singer of Bloodgood) was a guest host and then agreed to full-time, launching his “reality TV†style, getting together with artists in an interview/music format.
Friendships were made and bonds created between Rewind crew and artists. Listeners were treated to stories from musical and spiritual journeys, live performances, commentary for musical works and updates on current activity from the Frontline family. It is bittersweet to announce the Finale of Frontline Records Rewind and our hope is that many benefited. Episodes can be enjoyed for generations on FrontlineRecords, YouTube and iTunes. Thanks for your support!
Scotty… call the limo. We’re outta here!
Rewind 68: Sandra Stephens and Allegra Parks –background singers and writers for Jon Gibson and Scott Blackwell
Fri, May 26, 2017
In Frontline Records Rewind Episode 68, executive producer, Adel Meisenheimer, hosts the show, interviewing Sandra Stephens and Allegra Parks. It’s a full hour of Girl Power! These ladies sang background vocals for Jon Gibson, Scott Blackwell, Lanny Cordola and other Frontline artists. Though it has been about 25 years since they wrote, recorded and toured hit songs, Sandra and Allegra still recall them and treat listeners with acappella intros. Sandra shares how a Jon Gibson song changed her life and moved her to make a commitment to Christ. Soon after, she and Allegra had an opportunity to exchange vocal technique lessons from Jon for their background vocal work on a track. Nice barter! Then he recruited them for vocals on almost every track of “Forever Friends”. Listeners will want to tune in closely to hear their amazing vocal contribution. The ladies are forever friends and fans of Jon Gibson and expound on his exceptional singing, intense recording techniques and endearing personality. After writing with Jon, the ladies met with Scott Blackwell, who presented a cassette tape with his house dance music and commissioned them to write lyrics for it. Sandra relates how lyrics poured out and Scott never said “no” to her lyrical ideas, exercising a “no rules” process. The episode includes a couple tracks from “Walk On The Wild Side”, the first album on which they collaborated. Sandra and Allegra toured with Scott and Jon simultaneously, hitting about every state in the USA. Boy do they have some stories!
It’s Part 2 with Fred Lynch of P.I.D. (Preachers In Disguise) on Rewind
Fri, Feb 17, 2017
In Frontline Records Rewind Episode 67, host Les Carlsen continues his conversation with Fred Lynch, founding member of P.I.D. (Preachers In Disguise) and Preachas. In Part 2, Fred talks about how he learned the scriptures and demonstrates a fresh way created for memorizing the Word by paraphrasing it into rap verse.
Fred provides background story for songs recorded on Frontline Records releases, The Chosen Ones and Born With A Gift. Listeners learn about some innovative recording techniques originated by P.I.D. and other pioneer artists, like a compilation of loops by various rappers on “Holy Roland Patches” and abstract structure on “Abstruction”. It was popular for artists to borrow or “bite” loops from other hip-hop artists. Fred reveals one time when they got busted in a magazine review for doing it.
In closing, Fred talks about his desire to mentor and train young MCs and rappers to use “flow” as a discipleship medium. He gives listeners a taste of “The Script”, his scripture translation of I John into verse-by -verse rhyme. Fred also travels to public schools with the organization, Rachel’s Challenge, and speaks with students about a life of compassion and kindness. Listeners will enjoy getting to know this man with a big smile and even bigger heart.
MC Fred Lynch of P.I.D. (Preachers In Disguise) is in the house!
Fri, Jan 20, 2017
In Frontline Records Rewind Episode 66, host Les Carlsen gets together with Fred Lynch, founding member of P.I.D. (Preachers In Disguise) and Preachas. He takes listeners back to the beginnings of Holy Hip-Hop and kicks out some old school rhymes. Fred talks about the Bible nerd and street kid dynamic of group members and how it sometimes created hard lessons. Details are revealed about an early tour experience that includes a gun, swagger and being black-balled by white evangelicals.
Though the group didn’t win a talent contest hosted by Graceland Records in 1987, label owner, Caesar Kalinowski, was impressed and signed the teenagers. Frontline Records purchased the albums Back To Back and Here We Are, originally released on Graceland. In this episode, Fred provides background story for selections on these albums. Fred states that rap is “the language of the coming of age”. Of course Hip-Hop artists don’t always see eye-to-eye on execution and say of some: “Dat ain’t rap!” But on this episode, listeners will definitely hear authentic rap from a pioneer artist who still flows!
Lead singer shares journey from HAIR to BLOODGOOD and beyond!
Fri, Nov 18, 2016
In Frontline Records Rewind Episode 65, Executive Producer, Adel Meisenheimer, interviews Les Carlsen. She asks what Les was doing before he became famous as host of the show (haha). Listeners will hear about his dynamic musical history, including a star role in the Broadway musical, “Hair”, and how he transitioned from sex, drugs and Hair to a Christian heavy metal band, Bloodgood.
Since writing, singing and recording albums with Bloodgood on Frontline Records in 1986-1990, his musical and theatrical journey continues. In 2013 Bloodgood independently released “Dangerously Close”. Les collaborated with long-time friend, Don Cromwell (bass player for Eddie Money, Air Supply), releasing the album “The Lucky Side”. And in 2016 he has been memorizing a 90-minute monologue for the play, “St. John in Exile”, which opened in October and will be touring the country. In closing minutes of the episode listeners are treated to a snippet of the play, as performed by St. John himself, with Bloodgood standard, “Seven”, playing in the background.
Steve & Mark talk about inspiration & experimentation in albums 3 & 4
Fri, Oct 21, 2016
In Frontline Records Rewind Episode 64, host Les Carlsen continues his conversation with Idle Cure members, Steve Shannon and Mark Ambrose. Part 2 includes back-story for songs included on the band’s 3rd and 4th Frontline albums, 2nd Avenue and Inside Out.
2nd Avenue is Steve’s favorite album. It has an aggressive rock feel and guitar experimentation, including putting a Marshall amp in the bathroom, with microphone in the toilet, for a unique sound in “If You Mean It”. Steve’s vocals were taken to a new level, as Mark wrote songs that intentionally challenged him. Mark continued to write in-your-face lyrics on the album. In 1989 the song, “Pray”, was the #1 CCM charting rock song in the USA –the entire year, and nominated for a Dove Award.
Inside Out is a conceptual album that examines delicate spiritual topics like pornography, abortion and hypocrisy. It also includes worshipful, “Holy Mountain”, a brilliant re-write by Mark that almost didn’t make the album. The song describes the worship experience, influenced by the Old Testament story of Moses meeting with God on Mount Sinai.
Two members of Idle Cure share stories 30 years after their debut
Fri, Sep 23, 2016
In Frontline Records Rewind Episode 63, Steve Shannon and Mark Ambrose, of Idle Cure, captivate host Les Carlsen and listeners with stories of band history, song inspiration and an angel appearance in Paris. Songs introduced are from their albums, Idle Cure (1986) and Tough Love (1988).
Mark talks about how they hit a wall and almost gave up on the writing of their trademark song, “Breakaway”. Not only was the song a chart-topping hit, it enticed Mark to stay with Idle Cure, in spite of earning his recent accounting degree from USC. Steve tells the story of how radio and distribution execs didn’t believe he sang vocals on “Take It”, because it was so mellow and different from others. Well, Steve did back then, and he sings an intro for the song on Rewind!
Listeners also learn how the name “Idle Cure” was selected from a name search contest conducted by Frontline Records. The band has a rare treat – a limited supply of vinyl albums (still sealed) of their original debut self-titled album. Check out Idle Cure FaceBook page for purchase details.
View clips at https://www.youtube.com/user/FrntlnRcrds
An early 80s Christian rap group is still going strong
Fri, Aug 26, 2016
In Frontline Records Rewind Episode 62, conversation continues with 12th Tribe founder, David Portillo, and current members. Host Les Carlsen asks them to share their story and introduce favorite songs from the new indie album, “tha G Hits”. Listeners will be in awe as Eric (DJXRAY) humbly reveals his entertainment industry repertoire as DJ for Ellen Degeneres, undefeated DJ in battles representing the USA and performing with Snoop Dogg and Ice Cube. He finds more satisfaction with 12th Tribe. Young tribesman, Simon, tells of his journey of acceptance and how he now fits the group and a new life of service. Carlo (The Realist) escaped death after a gang-related stabbing and credits prayers of his Grandmother and the promise that all things are possible with Christ – even redemption of a poor street kid. Stories and songs from “tha G Hits” provide a constant message that 12th Tribe members are forever changed! As the crew would say, “Check it out!” During the interview session, 12th Tribe performed “G Hits Mash Mix”.
12th Tribe crew meets up with Rewind crew!
Fri, Jul 29, 2016
In Frontline Records Rewind Episode 61, 12th Tribe founding member, David Portillo, gets his latest crew together for an interview with the Rewind crew. David shares his journey of being a 15-year-old rapper performing for crowds of senior citizens, to rubbing elbows with The Newsboys and P.O.D., and recently taking his 15-year-old son on tour.
In Part 1, David takes us back to the days before Christian Rap was welcomed by the church and hits us with some old school rhymes. Song selections on the show are from Frontline releases, “Living In Babylon” and “Knowledge Is The Tree Of Life”. Both albums were produced by DJ legend, Scott Blackwell. David tells the story of meeting him and how that lead to an artist deal with Frontline Records.
Full episodes of all Frontline Records Rewind are available at
http://FrontlineRecords.us/ and iTunes http://bit.ly/FrontlineRewind
New digital releases from The Frontline Records Vault
Fri, Aug 14, 2015
Frontline Records, a subsidiary label of Meis Music Group, in collaboration with Michael Knott of Blonde Vinyl Records, released two albums digitally for the first time.
L.S. Underground (a.k.a. L.S.U.) –The Grape Prophet
This 1992 Blonde Vinyl Records release was one of three rock operas penned by Michael Knott. Songs relate Knott’s experience with a Southern California church he attended that had self-proclaimed prophets from Kansas City. Knott reveals details on Frontline Records Rewind Episode 50. http://frontlinerecords.us/
LifeSavers –Heaven High
This is a crowd-funded CD that released in 2014, available digitally now for the first time. Some songs were influenced by the life of Saint Clare of Assisi, whose picture is on the cover. Michael Knott describes the album as a “bombastic love-fest of hope and truth”. Now that’s worth checking out!
Both albums are available on iTunes, Amazon, Spotify and digital sites everywhere.
Hear interview & acoustic performances by Michael Knott on Frontline Rewind EP 50 at
http://frontlinerecords.us/ and iTunes http://bit.ly/FrontlineRewind.
Frontline Celebrates Valentine’s Day & Single Awareness Day with music!
Fri, Jan 30, 2015
Frontline Celebrates Valentine’s Day & Single Awareness Day with music!
Two new compilations are available digitally just in time for the month of love:
Love Found (Frontline Celebrates Valentine’s Day)
Love Actually (Frontline Celebrates Single Awareness Day)
Whether bundled up with a significant other, soul music playing in the background, or alone and hugging an empty box of chocolates, Love Found and Love Actually are here for you.
Although most people think of February 14th as a day to acknowledge romantic love, it has faith roots. Historians claim St. Valentine was imprisoned for performing forbidden weddings and ministering to persecuted Christians. Love Found begins with Jon Gibson’s “Jesus Loves Ya,” capturing the heart behind these compilations. Listeners will hear from Angie and Debbie Winans who’ve been touched by the “Light Of Love,” and Tim Miner who soulfully sings to the Lord in “Love Me Still.” The album closes with Jon Gibson’s “You Are The One,” a danceable love song to the One who “makes our world go ‘round.”
Because of the current romantic love emphasis on Valentine’s Day, those who are not in a relationship can feel… well… lonely. Though you may not have heard much about it, celebrating Single Awareness Day has grown in popularity. Love Actually features a number of Christian artists who share their experiences with heartbreak and loneliness. With titles like “Too Bad She Didn’t Want Me,” (Benny Hester) “I Wait Alone,” (David Zaffiro) “When You Lose Someone You Love,” (Rick Elias) and “Who Can Heal The Pain,” (Liaison), the SAD compilation will provide plenty of sentiment for those who need the God of all comfort this season.
Love Found (Frontline Celebrates Valentine’s Day)
and Love Actually (Frontline Celebrates Single Awareness Day)
are available now at iTunes, Amazon MP3 and other digital stores.
Other albums by these featured Frontline Artists are available on http://FrontlineRecords.us/
Hear an exclusive interview with Jon Gibson on Frontline Rewind EP43 http://bit.ly/FrontlineRewind.
Rare performance by Michael Roe & Michael Knott Plus VIP treatment at November 7th concert event in Concord, California
Tue, Oct 28, 2014
It isn’t every day that a group of legacy artists gather together and perform music that has been influential over decades of time. It has been at least 4 years since Michael Knott graced the stage. Knott will perform all the music from his iconic 1994 Brainstorm Artists Int’l album Rocket and a Bomb with full band. Thanks to a recent Kickstarter, the performance will be recorded for DVD and Digital release.
Show closer, Michael Roe (77’s & Lost Dogs), humbly states, “I’m happy to be there to support Mike”. Roe will perform solo, but is certain friends will “crash my set at some point”.
Warm-up act, Brian Healy, frontman of Dead Artist Syndrome, just might have the most fun of all. In addition to band mates Ric Alba (Altar Boys, Undercover), Marc Plainguet (Graveyard Café) and Gym Nicholson (Undercover), his anticipated set-crashers include Sean Patrick Doty (Veil of Ashes) and Bill Walden (Undercover).
Frontline Records President, Adel Meisenheimer, wanted to get in on the deal and is hosting an artist hospitality room and Mike & Mike VIP session. Meisenheimer claims, “This VIP package is The Bomb!” For $75, VIP ticket holders will receive: Mike & Mike Meet & Greet and Acoustic set with Knott & Roe, an exclusive new “Gerard” design t-shirt, Michael Roe t-shirt, plus priority seating at the concert.
Purchase tickets at http://www.brownpapertickets.com/event/900729
FaceBook event page https://www.facebook.com/events/1477497422525823/
Hear & See Frontline Records Rewind Show!
Mon, Aug 4, 2014
Frontline Records Rewind radio show is televising on YouTube! The first releases are video clips from the energized in-studio interview with Deliverance members Jimmy P. Brown and George Ochoa.
Rewind clips include:
Jimmy and George play “23” for the first time in 24 years.
Jimmy tells about meeting Metallica’s James Hetfield before either one was famous.
Jimmy & George talk about writing Flesh & Blood.
Jimmy plays guitar licks from title song Weapons of Our Warfare.
Complicated guitar part of Pseudo Intellectual demonstrated by Jimmy
Gene Eugene’s ideas for Deliverance album covers, as told by Jimmy
Shout Out to Brian Healy (Dead Artist Syndrome), original Rewind host
Host Les Carlsen (of Bloodgood) has a reality radio style that naturally translates to TV. View clips at: https://www.youtube.com/user/FrntlnRcrds
Stay tuned for Rewind snippets from a Skype interview with Jacob’s Trouble!
Full episodes of all Frontline Records Rewind are available at
http://FrontlineRecords.us/ and iTunes http://bit.ly/FrontlineRewind
Les Carlsen, lead singer of Bloodgood, is new host of Frontline Rewind!
Fri, May 2, 2014
In Episode 33, executive producer, Adel Meisenheimer, introduces Les as the new voice and personality of the show. Les quickly dubbed the new format as “reality radio” and started phoning his Bloodgood band mates.
When you have a founding member of an award winning Christian metal band hosting, it makes sense to feature the music of that artist. Les calls Bloodgood members on the phone as they are in their “natural habitat” and extracts humorous stories from their memory banks. Episodes 33 & 34 include chats with Paul Jackson, Kevin Whistler, David Zaffiro, Michael Bloodgood and Oz Fox (also of Stryper).
Les’ reality radio style is light, comedic and features rare conversations with artists and musicians. His first two shows feature music from Bloodgood’s 1986-1989 Frontline Records releases and the band’s 2013 independent album, Dangerously Close.
Spring and summer shows will include music and interview with David Zaffiro, Jimmy Brown (Deliverance) and Mike Stand (Altar Boys).
Full episodes of all Frontline Records Rewind are available at
http://FrontlineRecords.us/ and http://bit.ly/FrontlineRewind
Frontline Presents: The Passion – A Heavy Metal Easter Compilation
Mon, Mar 10, 2014
Frontline SP, a division of Meis Music Group, announces the release of The Passion, an invigorating collection of Christian Metal songs depicting the events of Holy Week.
The Passion begins with landmark Christian artist, Bloodgood, ushering us into the remembrance of the Last Supper with “Eat The Flesh” before retelling Christ’s arrest from the viewpoint of Pontius Pilate through their hit, “Crucify.” Perhaps the heaviest of all Christian metal bands, Mortification, and Vengeance Rising evoke a true emotional response to the Lord’s suffering with “Blood Sacrifice,” “Human Sacrifice,” and “Fill This Place With Blood.” Deliverance, Randy Rose (of Mad at The World), and Die Happy (formed by members of Vengeance Rising) make their contributions to this heavy subject before Bloodgood moves us forward to celebrate the Resurrection with “The Messiah.” Angelica and Recon bring The Passion to a close with a shout of victory with “There’s Only One Hero” and “Alive!”
Bloodgood was inducted into the Christian Music Hall of Fame in 2010 and performed “The Messiah” at TBN’s Visionary Awards.
Mortification has released over twenty albums since the band’s 1987 formation in Australia and maintains its reputation as "some kind of super stars in the Christian metal scene”.
Vengeance Rising’s debut album “Human Sacrifice” was called “the most radical Christian album ever released” by HM Magazine editor Doug Van Pelt.
Deliverance was embraced by mainstream outlets like MTV, which featured one of many chart-topping tracks, “Weapons of Our Warfare”, video regularly on Headbanger’s Ball.
Frontline Presents: The Passion is available on iTunes, Amazon MP3 & http://FrontlineRecords.us
Hear commentary by Les Carlsen on Frontline Records Rewind http://bit.ly/FrontlineRewind.
Remembering Gene Eugene – Last 3 Recordings by Gene Eugene
Tue, Jan 21, 2014
Brainstorm Artists Int’l, in partnership with Meis Music Group, is pleased to announce the release of Remembering Gene Eugene, a thoughtful look at the life and music of former member of Adam Again and The Lost Dogs, as told by his friends and peers. Testimonies surround solo recordings of 3 cover songs, the last ones Gene made.
Remembering Gene Eugene includes interview footage from members of his bands, Adam Again and The Lost Dogs, as well as many other musicians who were significantly influenced by Gene, either in-studio or on-stage. During Gene’s last days on earth he recorded three covers, “Something About What Happens When We Talk” and “Famous Blue Raincoat,” by Leonard Cohen, and “Coming Back To You” by Lucinda Williams. According to Gene’s dad, Gene L. Andrusco, “The three songs were recorded in the Green Room just before Gene’s untimely death in March, 2000. We decided not to edit the tapes in order to leave his interpretive feelings.” They are available for the first time on this digital-only album.
Hear from Adam Again members: Paul Valadez, Greg Lawless, Jon Knox, Riki Michele
The Lost Dogs band mates: Derri Daugherty, Terry Taylor, Michael Roe
Peers: Ojo Taylor, Rob Watson, Erik Tokle, Frank Lenz
Artist friends: Michael Knott, Michael Pritzl (The Violet Burning), The Prayer Chain, Jars Of Clay
Intro by Gene’s dad and thoughts from Adam Again documentary filmmaker, Todd Zeller
Includes humorous peer commentary: First Impressions • Ode to Gene’s Butt • Gene-isms
Remembering Gene Eugene is available January 21st on iTunes, Amazon MP3 and other digital stores.
Adam Again merchandise, giveaways and digital album featured on http://FrontlineRecords.us/
Hear commentary on Frontline Rewind Episode 20 http://bit.ly/FrontlineRewind.
L.S.U. (LifeSavers Underground) releases from The Vault
Sat, Oct 5, 2013
Frontline Records, a subsidiary label of Meis Music Group, in collaboration with Michael Knott of Blonde Vinyl Records, is making three L.S.U. albums available digitally for the first time on October 15th from the Frontline Vault.
Lifesavers Underground (a.k.a. LSU, and L.S. Underground) was one of many Michael Knott projects. The sound combined elements of punk, post punk, funk and hard rock. In1987,Knott decided to take sunnier LifeSavers in a darker direction, both musically and lyrically and change the band name. Here’s the story on three of those albums.
L.S.U. - This is the Healing
This album followed L.S.U.’s debut album on Frontline Records titled, Shaded Pain. This 1991 Blonde Vinyl release features Knott playing most of the instruments, including drum machine. The songs speak to holding on to hope in the midst of pain.
L.S.U. Lifesavers Underground - Wakin' Up the Dead
Blonde Vinyl Records put this out on cassette in 1989 and later re-mastered for its CD release in 1991. The album finds L.S.U. adding a slightly more alternative feel to their gothic hard rock sound.
L.S.U. Cash in Chaos - World Tour
With this release Knott announced that he was changing the name of L.S.U. to 'Cash in Chaos' and released it on his Siren Records label in 1993. It is another classic L.S.U., with dark, moody tunes.
All 3 are available on iTunes and other digital stores, including http://frontlinerecords.us/ for “Frontline $5.99”.
Hear interview with Michael Knott on Rewind Episode 28 at http://frontlinerecords.us/rewind/.
“FALL†tumbles from The Frontline Records Vault
Fri, Sep 13, 2013
Frontline SP, a division of Meis Music Group, is pleased to announce the release of FALL, an eclectic gathering of fifteen tunes centered around the word “fall”.
Compilation producer, Brian Healy (of Dead Artist Syndrome), peered into the Frontline Records vault to seek out songs that express the ups and downs of life, love and faith. This diverse offering features artists who have topped the music charts, won multiple industry awards and achieved high levels of critical acclaim.
Stylistically this project runs the spectrum of genres from rock to alternative to pop-dance. These songs are purposefully sequenced to provide the listener with a roller coaster of emotion. Folks can fall in love all over again with these legacy artists.
Rick Elias, Mortal, Randy Rose, Rainy Days
Altar Boys, Poor Old Lu, Adam Again, LifeSavers, My Little Dog China,
The Straw Theory, Chaos Is The Poetry, Kevin Clay, Echoing Green
Many of these tracks disappeared with the CDs they were released on and have been unavailable for years. Now they are available digitally on iTunes, Amazon and FrontlineRecords.us. The FALL collection is available this autumn.
FALL is available on iTunes, Amazon MP3 and at http://FrontlineRecords.us/
Hear commentary by Brian Healy on Frontline Rewind Episode 26 http://frontlinerecords.us/rewind/.
Classic alternative-rock re-releases from LifeSavers explode from The Vault
Mon, Aug 12, 2013
Frontline Records, a subsidiary label of Meis Music Group, in collaboration with Gene Andrusco (Brainstorm Artists Int’l) and Michael Knott (Blonde Vinyl), are making these legacy albums available digitally for the first time on August 13th from the Frontline Vault.
LifeSavers was formed in 1980. Starting out as a power pop/punk band, the group, lead by Michael Knott, has gone through many changes and resets over the years, often releasing albums that reflected those changes. Blond Vinyl’s 1991 Poplife is a prime example. Musically the album is best described as equal parts underground alternative and post-punk surf rock. The general tone is light and playful. With a song title like Surf With God you might expect that. Steve Hindalong and Chuck Cummings add some tasty drum rhythms to Mike Knott’s expressive vocals. Not overly high-tech or glossy, nonetheless there are several catchy, addictive tunes that make Poplife a satisfying listen. It’s a fan favorite with Knottheads. This re-release includes 3 bonus tracks from one of Knott’s earliest bands, Bomb Bay Babies. In 1987 the group assaulted Hollywood clubs with their rebellious punk rock look and sound.
After several years of dormancy the LifeSavers returned in 1995 with the release of Huntington Beach on Brainstorm Artists Int’l. This album saw the return of Brian Doidge on bass guitar and Chuck Cummings on drums. Huntington Beach was also the heaviest LifeSavers album to date – a return to their punk rock roots. Songwriting and lead vocal was split between Doidge and Knott on this album, with less spiritual, but very personal, lyrics that focused on many humorous aspects of ‘80s life in Knott’s hometown, Huntington Beach, California. This re-release includes 3 bonus demo tracks from Knott’s first band, Hightops. Knott says his dad paid for the demo in 1978 for his sister Bridget, Vince Pangrazio and Bradford Salmon when they were teenagers.
Both releases are available on iTunes and other digital stores, including http://frontlinerecords.us/ for “Frontline $5.99”.
Hear interview with Michael Knott on Rewind Episode 24 at http://frontlinerecords.us/rewind/.
Crumbächer’s Incandescent released from Frontline Records vault!
Wed, Jul 10, 2013
Last heard on cassette in 1985. Now freshly re-mastered, with bonus track.
Frontline Records, a label of Meis Music Group, in collaboration with Ojo Taylor & Innocent Media, is making this Broken Records album available digitally on July 16th.
On this debut record, Crumbächer created the Euro-synth-pop niche in the Contemporary Christian Music industry. CCM announced the album as revealing "a new group on par with Vector." Stephen Crumbacher’s vocals have the bouncy style of Men Without Hats and producer Ojo Taylor's arrangements resemble the minimalist synthesizing of The Human League.
Stephen Crumbacher recorded his first commercial release, a solo version of It Don’t Matter, on the MRC sampler What’s Shakin’ in the summer of 1983, exactly 30 years ago. On the heels of that success which introduced Crumbächer to CCM, Stephen was invited to record a six-song EP for Maranatha! Music’s MRC label.
Stephen and his long-time friends, Dawn Wisner and Jim Wisner, gave their first performance as Crumbächer a few months later on New Year's Eve, 1983. The full band, with the addition of Dan Hohulin on guitar, entered the studio for the first time to begin recording. Ojo Taylor of Undercover was back at the helm producing and engineering. Derri Daugherty of The Choir was brought in as tracking engineer and Chris Taylor mixed. Once the label heard the early results, they were so excited they requested that the band record a few additional songs for release as a full-length album. Those additions were Jamie and Infrared X-Ray Eyes, which turned out to be the group’s biggest songs from that album. Incandescent was released in April 1985 on Broken Records. This is the first appearance of the record in digital format.
Incandescent is available on iTunes, Amazon MP3 and at http://FrontlineRecords.us/ for Frontline $5.99.
Hear interviews with Crumbacher members and Ojo Taylor on Frontline Rewind Episode 22 at http://frontlinerecords.us/rewind/.
Dynamic Twins digital re-releases from the Frontline Records Vault
Sat, Jun 15, 2013
Frontline Records, a subsidiary label of Meis Music Group, in collaboration with Gene L. Andrusco, is making these Broken Records/Brainstorm Artists Int’l albums available digitally on June 18th. These haven’t seen the light of day since the 1990’s.
Dynamic Twins were a Bronx-born Christian rap group composed of identical twins Noel and Robbie Arthurton. The group's first album Word 2 the Wize released in 1991 through Broken/Brainstorm Artists International and was distributed to mainstream record stores through Epic Records. S.F.C.'s Chris Cooper helped with production chores and fellow S.F.C.'er The Dove added scratching.
The twins second album No Room 2 Breathe garnered praise from True Tunes magazine as a "landmark in the Christian rap industry" for basing itself musically around live instruments instead of programmed samples and beats.
The third album on B.A.I. was 40 Days in the Wilderness. As with all Dynamic Twins releases, it features many guest appearances, including Ayeesha, who was introduced into the scene on this album. Grapetree Records signed Ayeesha as their first female rapper.
The group received 3 Dove Award nominations for their music and has appeared with many well-known Gospel artists. In 2005, Dynamic Twins appeared on a compilation album Holy Hip Hop: Taking the Gospel to the Streets that was nominated for a Best Rock Gospel Album Grammy Award. The twins have also produced albums including one for the first Chinese-American bilingual rap artist, Only Won.
All are available on iTunes, Amazon MP3 and at http://FrontlineRecords.us/ for Frontline $5.99.
Hear interview with Dynamic Twins on Frontline Rewind Episode 20 at http://frontlinerecords.us/rewind/.
Vintage Hip Hop digital re-releases from SFC (Soldiers For Christ)
Thu, May 9, 2013
Frontline Records, a subsidiary label of Meis Music Group, in collaboration with Gene L. Andrusco, is making these Broken Records/Brainstorm Artists Int’l albums available digitally on May 14th …The first time in over 2 decades.
It is impossible to consider Christian Hip Hop history without Chris Cooper a.k.a. Sup, a.k.a. Super C, a.k.a. Soup The Chemist. His "group" was S.F.C., which stood for Soldiers For Christ. SFC’s debut, Listen Up, brought food for a hungry market bringing authentic street rap with the best use of scratching and sampling heard to date. In your face lyrics dealt with real issues like drugs, gang violence, immoral living and more. CCM Magazine called Listen Up a “welcome face in the growing genre of Christian rap.”
SFC’s 1990 follow up, A Saved Man (In The Jungle), took authentic Christian rap to another level. Featuring a serious urban beat, Saved Man displayed the highest level of sampling, scratching, lyrics and attitude that the Christian marketplace had heard to date. It is little wonder that this release is one of the most requested and sought after titles in hip hop circles. Fans of the Holy Hip Hop Database gave this release a “10 out of 10”….authentic in every way.
Both are available on iTunes, Amazon MP3 and at http://FrontlineRecords.us/ for Frontline $5.99.
Hear interview with SFC’s Chris Cooper on Frontline Rewind EP 17 at http://frontlinerecords.us/rewind/.
Soup wrote a book releasing in June titled, “Through My Windows”. It details the gospel rap movement from 1985 to 2003. For anyone seeking to understand how the movement started and how groups such as SFC, The Gospel Gangstas, I.D.O.L. King, Freedom of Soul and Dynamic Twins came to be, this book is a must read!
Some of the book can be reviewed now at www.beesydeent.com.
Vintage Hip Hop digital re-releases from Freedom of Soul and Peace 586
Mon, Apr 15, 2013
Frontline Records, a subsidiary label of Meis Music Group, in collaboration with Ojo Taylor, are making these legacy albums available digitally for the first time on 4/16/13.
Freedom Of Soul released their debut, Caught In A Land Of Time, in 1991 on Brainstorm Artists Int’l. With streetwise styling, the CD was hailed as a nice bridge between harder street rap from artists SFC and P.I.D. and more pop hip hop from artists like DC Talk, due to the inclusion of singers like Jon Gibson and Bernard Wright, along with choice sampling. The Holy Hip Hop Database says of the group, “They raised the bar in the holy hip hop scene.”
FOS released its 2nd CD on B.A.I. in 1994. Appropriately called The 2nd Comin’, the music on their sophomore project featured a rawer, tougher, more streetwise end of hip hop. One reviewer said, “It's gangsta rap without the violence and profanities, a veritable torrent of verbiage sometimes carving out sound messages of hope and salvation verging on the surreal and often spiced with a tongue-in-cheek humor and plenty of sample surprises.” Guest artists include T-Bone, Brainwash Projects, LPG and Sup.
Peace 586 is a prolific hip hop artist, producer and MC whose career has spanned from the 1980s to present. Together with DJ Cartoon, Peace formed Freedom of Soul and is best known for expressing his Christian faith as it relates to life here now, as well as that to be gained. His name is derived from the month and year that he became a Christian: May 1986. The Risen Son was released in 1996 on Innocent Media, owned by executive producer, Ojo Taylor. Gene Eugene mixed and engineered. DJ Cartoon added turntables and LPG and Tunnel Rats contributed to the writing.
All 3 are available on iTunes and other digital stores, including http://frontlinerecords.us/ for Frontline $5.99.
Hear interview with Peace 586 on Rewind Episode 16 at http://frontlinerecords.us/rewind/.
A Very Metal Autumn
Wed, Dec 31, 1969
With the falling of autumn leaves, Frontline Records’ webstore partners have teamed up to drop a heavy Limited Run Vinyl selection of metal music on fans. All Vinyl are pressed in random colors, 180 Gram audiophile grade, remastered, with free digital download. Planning ahead for Christmas gifts (giving & receiving)? Shop there for classic Frontline artists.